Wednesday, January 28, 2009

dumbness In denton

Denton, Texas is home to more than one respected college and university.

The area's managed to effectively quarantine the intellectual spill-over to the general population, however. Case in point.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

reflections on the bra...

As garments go, there is none as unappealing as an nonpadded bra hanging on a door knob and nothing as silly as padded bras neatly arranged in a drawer looking like a fresh produce display. For who knows what reason, nonpadded bras are flung about with abandon while padded bras live in a perpetual state of tidiness and care.

Bras hurt. Have you every heard a woman sigh and say, "I just feel so comfortable in my bra today I hate to take it off."? I thought not.